International May Day
Enviado por jecheverry@edu…
el 20/04/2023
Learning about public holidays expands our knowledge, cultural understanding and awareness of traditions, values, and important events. It also promotes inclusion and respect for diversity. In this regard, this learning guide invites students to describe a public holiday, celebration, or festival by creating and promoting a brochure. Students will develop an understanding of specific facts and information through the use of vocabulary and reading comprehension strategies.
- Language Level: A2
- Aimed at: Teachers or Students (for autonomous study)
- Educational Level: Secondary / Middle School
- Duration: 150 minutes PRESENTATION OF THE GUIDE
This guide is made up of:
- Five (5) activities - Pre, During and Post Tasks
- Formative assessment - Check your Progress and peer-assessment
- Answer key
Download this pedagogical guide to get some engaging activities to work with your students and celebrate this day.
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